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Facial Contouring


How to achieve the Triangle of Youth?

triangle of youth, v shape face, heart shape face, 3D face, 3D chin, 3D cheek, double eyelid surgery
triangle of youth, v shape face, heart shape face, 3D face, 3D nose, 3D cheek, double eyelid surgery, eyebags

What contributes to the ageing face?


There is now a greater understanding about what contributes to the ageing face. It’s not just about lines and wrinkles, but also the descent of the brow, loss of elasticity of the skin, facial volume loss, facial asymmetry and even loss of skull density.


A youthful face has a smooth and full forehead, a filled temple and brow, a plump face with high cheekbones and a well defined jawline. This is called the Triangle of Youth. As we age, wrinkle begin to appear due to muscle contraction, volume loss from the underlying soft tissue and bone absorption which cause the skin to sag. This is reversal of Triangle of Youth.


We can restore the Triangle of Youth by injecting optimal doses of Botulinum Toxin A such BOTOX to different parts of the face to relax the muscles thus producing a smoother skin and face. Volume can be restored using appropriate type and amount of hyaluronic acid gel filler (a natural occuring substance in the body) or fat grafting to give support to the overlying skin thus creating a lifting effect.


Asians or Orientals has different bony structure compared to Caucasians. Asians, by and large have a broader face, low or flat nasal bridge and cheekbones and a weak chin. Using appropriate type and amount of hyaluronic acid gel filler, the face can be contoured and sculpted to the one's desires. Light reflecting from the high points of the face such as cheek, nose and chin will create a 3-D effect which gives depth to a face. Now you can achieve a sculpted face without going under the knife. 


Request a Consultation

I am passionate about giving my patients the most natural, elegant looking results with the shortest possible recovery times. My focus for every patient is attention to details, technical excellence, superior medical knowledge, an artistic eye, compassionate care, and a feminine touch. I have been trained in some of the world's renowned institutions in South Korea and USA, the best of east and west combined. My goal is to use the most advanced techniques available to restore and rejuvenate your face with a special focus on the eyes. I will tailor my techniques to your specific desires. You are my priority, and your results matter to me. ~AG~


Operation Hours


Monday to Friday 9 am - 6.00 pm

Monday & Sunday off


Level 4, Wisma Lifecare

Jalan Kerinchi

59200 Kuala Lumpur


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