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How do i preserve the natural eyelid crease when undergoing eyelid surgery?

The medical term used to address the excess upper eyelid skin is called Dermatochalasis. This is commonly seen in patients in their 40's onwards when the underlying soft tissue loses volume and the skin loses its elasticity. This causes the skin to hang over the eyelid margin and makes the eyes appear droopy and tired. Blepharoplasty is the surgery performed by most surgeon to remove the excess upper eyelid skin. The traditional blepharoplasty surgery utilizes an incision in the eyelid to remove the excess skin and creating a double eyelid crease. This invariably leaves behind a faint scar on the eyelid after surgery.

What happens when patients have existing double eyelid crease and wish to preserve their natural crease? In such cases, a surgical approach called infrabrow blepharoplasty can be used to address the excess upper eyelid skin without creating a surgical scar on the eyelid. This way, the natural eyelid crease can be preserved. A faint scar will be seen underneath the eyebrow which can be tattooed over after surgery and the scar will no longer be visible.

Infrabrow blepharoplasty can be combined with medial epicanthoplasty to increase the vertical and horizontal aperture of the eyes to make it even bigger and brighter!


This patient underwent infrabrow blepharoplasty and medial epicanthoplasty. The scar below the eyebrow and inner corner eyelid is almost invisible even only 2 weeks after the surgery.

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